
Using jquery ajax in pug template
Using jquery ajax in pug template

using jquery ajax in pug template

- page-a.pug extends layout.pug block scripts script ( src = '/jquery.js' ) script ( src = '/pets.js' ) block content h1 = title - var pets = Įach petName in pets include pet.pug //- pet.pug p = petName pug is automatically appended to the file name.) Then, define one or more blocks to override the parent block content.īelow, notice that the foot block is not redefined, so it will use the parent’s default and output “some footer content”. To extend this layout, create a new file and use the extends directive with a path to the parent template. - layout.pug html head title My Site - # block scripts script ( src = '/jquery.js' ) body block content block foot #footer p some footer content

using jquery ajax in pug template using jquery ajax in pug template

The example below defines block scripts, block content, and block foot. Providing default content is purely optional, though. Pug blocks can provide default content, if appropriate. In a template, a block is simply a “block” of Pug that a child template may replace. Template inheritance works via the block and extends keywords.

Using jquery ajax in pug template